Mondoeco Nature Sites

From this section, sites of nature showed on a map from the top menu, are here reported as a list.
You can narrow your serach for a park, a reserve or a route from the entry-mask below. 


City-Village: Tipologia

La Riserva è occupata in gran parte da saline coltivate in maniera tradizionale, con pantani e campi coltivati in aree marginali. Le sue valenze biologiche sono plurime, interessando aspetti faunistici (uccelli, pesci, artropodi) e floristici. Nel periodo migratorio qui si possono osservare vere rarità ornitologiche come la sula e il pulcinella di mare, provenienti dalle scogliere dell'Europa del Nord, addirittura qualche eccezionale esemplare dell'africana damigella di Numidia. Fra i nidificanti, sono da segnalare il fratino, l'avocetta, il cavaliere d'Italia, la pernice di...
Riserva Naturale Stagno di Holey - Italy - Pont-Saint-Martin
La Riserva Naturale Stagno di Holey è un piccolo ecosistema situato a 750 – 790 metri di altitudine nel Comune di Pont-Saint-Martin, vicino al castello di Suzey, caratterizzata dalla presenza della Cannuccia di palude e della Lisca maggiore e inoltre è l‘unica stazione valdostana nota di Salcerella erba-portula. Per quanto riguarda la Fauna, viste le piccole dimensioni della riserva, rispecchia esclusivamente alcuni rari esemplari di anfibi, tra cui due specie di tritoni.  
Rochers des Sommêtres - Switzerland - Le Noirmont
The Jura, in particular the Franches Montagnes are well know for the particular stone formations. The "Rochers des Sommêtres" are a spectacular example. The valley here is very deep, at the bottom there is the river Doubs and at the same hight you can see the other stunning formations on the other side of the valley. In acient times this formations had been used as a look-out, mirrors were used to give signs if invadors were heading in.
Rosenlaui - Switzerland - Meiringen
Rosenlaui canyon - carved by water under constant erosion.
Rothenthurm - Switzerland - Rothenthurm
Rothenthurm contains the second largest moor landscape of Switzerland. The "High"- Moor has a stunning species richness. A good entry point is the SOB Station 3. Altmatt Hiking distance from there to Rothenthurm is about 2-3 hours.
Ruinaulta - Switzerland - Castrisch
Ruinalta is a larger territory including the prefectures of Bonaduz, Versam, Valendas, Castrisch, Schulein, Sagogn, Laax, Flims e Trin. Each of the villages is connected to the valley. The territory is categorized as landscape of national importance. 
La Sagra del Peperone si svolge ogni anno a Carmagnola, agli inizi di settembre. È un evento importante non soltanto per la valorizzazione del prodotto tipico della città, ma anche perché permette di conoscere meglio gli spazi, l’arte, la cultura della città. Da anni la Sagra richiama un vasto pubblico, a cui propone: la tradizionale esposizione di peperoni; i relativi concorsi; le degustazioni; la sfilata di "Re Povron e la Bela Povronera"; le esibizioni dei gruppi folkloristici carmagnolesi; serate musicali e spettacoli; un'area commerciale...
The Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park is a protected environment and part of a worldwide network of marine conservation areas. Established as a result of a concerted effort by the governments of Canada and Québec, it is the first park in Québec to preserve and feature a marine environment.  
Vieilles chênaies acidophiles des plaines sablonneuses à Quercus robur, Formations herbeuses à Nardus, riches en espèces, sur substrats siliceux des zones montagnardes (et des zones submontagnardes de l'Europe continentale), Landes humides atlantiques septentrionales à Erica tetralix, Prairies à Molinia sur sols calcaires, tourbeux ou argilo-limoneux (Molinion caeruleae), Hêtraies acidophiles atlantiques à sous-bois à Ilex et parfois à Taxus (Quercion robori-petraeae ou Ilici-Fagenion),Tourbières boisées,...
The dunes began forming in the 13th century, and the same processes of wind and tidal action continues dune formation on the site today. The dunes support a variety of flowers and grasses while saltmarsh and freshwater marsh areas are home to a wide variety of insects, amphibians, birds and mammals. Natura 2000 site.
Sárrét is a turf marsh meadow of nearly 12 km length and 5 to 8 km width, situated in a basin formed by a tectonic downcast of the late pleistocene. Some dolomite debris and, at certain places, clay was brought here from the surrounding mountains. On this fundament, a layer of rivulet-carried pebble and sand settled. Large volumes of silted lime dross accumulated on the bottom of the lake that was formed in the early holocene age. The surface of the gradually filling basin was finally covered with a layer of turf. The natural protection zone is part of the...
Sarului Forest - Romania - Pleşoiu
This site proposed for the network Natura 2000 is the most extensive forestry zone of the district. The forest is made of deciduous and resinous trees.
Sárvíz Protected Landscape Area - Hungary - Németkér
The Sárvíz valley extends over Mezőföld from the Sárrét basin to the valley of the Danube at a length of nearly 100 km. A 20 km-long segment of the valley, stretching from Tác to Sárszentágota, is now the Sárvíz valley Landscape-protection Area. Created in 1997, the protection area covers 3650 hectares of land in a mosaic pattern, 157 hectares of which enjoy priority protection. The Protection Area, whose flora is closely linked to the neighbouring Great Hungarian Plain, boasts a number of protected botanical groupings,...
Sassi di Roccamalatina - Italy - Guiglia
Il Parco dei sassi di rocca Malatina è caratterizzato da una ricca varietà di ambienti naturali, oltre ad alcuni luoghi di notevole interesse storico: la Pieve di Trebbio, fondata probabilmente fra l'XI e il XII secolo, ed i piccoli borghi medievali di Castellino delle Formiche e Castellaro. Meritano una visita anche alcuni esempi di antica architettura rurale, quali la "Grilla" (XV secolo), Pugnano (XIVXVI secolo) e Ronzone (XVI secolo). FLORA Querce, carpini neri, castagni, pioppi, ontani, sono le specie arboree più diffuse nel parco, mentre le...
Sava - Podsused - Croatia - Zagreb
The area along the Sava river near Podsused was protected in 1970 as an ornithological reserve because of its importance for breeding and migratory birds. Habitats included willow and poplar galleries, wet meadows, oxbows, number of small watercourses, natural river banks as well as the gravel and sand river islands and shores. During the years situation has dramatically changed. Due to river regulation activities and hydropower plants built in the upper part of the river, the river bed has deepened for 5-6 meters during the last 40 years, leaving wetland habitats along the river ...
Sava kod Hruscice - Croatia - Rugvica
The area along the Sava River near Hruščica is important for birds of river habitats. Here the Sava River slows its course, losing its speed and strength and changing into the lowland river, depositing gravel sediment. Gravel banks and islands, both bare and overgrown, have developed there. Natural steep river banks are also still preserved here, bare or overgrown with willow and poplar galleries. Several gravelpits in surrounding area enrich diversity of water habitats and represent feeding area for terns and other bird species. There are plans to make a hydropower plant in this...
Schellenursli-Path - Switzerland - Guarda
Schellen-Ursli: one of the most famous children books in Switzerland. The main character "Ursli" want to take part in the Chalandamarz march, a special festival to make place for the spring. During the rather noisy festival bells are rung, but Ursli does only get a very small one. Too small for him, he thinks - he starts an adventurous journey to a distant place where a big and beautiful bell waits silently. The trail is set out so that those with children can complete it in stages. Along the trail several posters related to the story can be found. In addition, background...
Seaca-Optasani - Romania - Alunisu
The forest was taken under protection by HCM no. 518/1954 , beeing declared „trees reservation” of the Romanian Academy in 1969, owing to the cleanest and most valuable Italian Oak trees in Romania and in Europe. The species lies on 82% of the forest area and the trees are 75 years old on average, but there are also some samples which are more than 100 years old. The forest presents at a small scale the old vegetation  typical for the Făgăraş mountain. The forest is  mostly a vestige of very old forest (3000 – 1000 years B.C) which used to...
Sense - Switzerland - Heitenried
The sense (Fr. Singine) is a right tributary of the Sarine river between the canton of Bern and the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland.  The river and its banks are contain nearly undeveloped areas, the sense is thus one of the few remaining "wild" rivers in the Alps. A good hiking access is located near the bridge Sodbach (accessible from Fribourg and Schwarzenburg)
Serrablo - Spain - Biescas
Iglesias medievales, fortalezas señoriales y arquitectura popular en las riberas del Alto Gállego La actual comarca del Alto Gállego comprende los territorios que rodean este río desde la sierra de Guara hasta la frontera francesa, en el valle de Tena. En la mitad sur de este territorio, cuyo topónimo medieval de Serrablo fue recuperado en las últimas décadascadas, ha ejercido su labor la activa asociación cultural Amigos de Serrablo. Su ámbito geográfico de acción ha sido amplio y variado, como lo es esta...
Sidi Toui National Park - Tunisia - Ben Guerdane
Sidi Toui National Park is situated in the south-east of the country, 54 km south of the town of Ben Gardane. The site includes a low hill, Djebel Sidi Toui (172 m), surrounded by an extensive plain composed of small dunes, sebkhas and dry sandy wadis. The area as a whole is representative of the eastern Sahara region of Tunisia. In the north the vegetation is dominated by Rhanterium suavolens and Stipa lagascae. Around Djebel Sidi Toui, the vegetation is more shrubby, with Periploca laevigata, Rhus tripartitum and, in sandy areas, Retema raetam.  
Sierra de Gredos Regional Reserve - Spain - Navarredonda de Gredos
Located in the south of the Castile-León region, it covers 28 districts and consists of a spectacular succession of lakes, cirques, gorges and crags created by erosion during the various ice ages. The most interesting features in the Reserve are the cirque and the great lake of Gredos. Both are of glacial origin and are towered over by the Almanzor Peak, a huge rock that stands at 2,592 m and is the highest point of the entire Sistema Central range. The most spectacular of all the different hikes that can be done to explore this natural space is without doubt the route which leads up...
This reserve is located in the centre of Spain, in the southeast of the province of Salamanca, in the region of Castile-León. The landscape has green leafy forests and steep mountains, with altitudes ranging between 360 and 2,425 metres. Here you will also find numerous unique and outstanding places such as the forest of strawberry trees (Arbutus unedo) at Miranda del Castañar, one of the oldest and largest in Europe; also Peña de Francia, an extraordinary natural viewing point located almost 1,800 metres above sea level, home to a 15th-century Dominican monastery. The...
Silberweide - Naturestation - Switzerland - Mönchaltorf
The bogs of the southern part of the lake Greifensee are botanically very rich (over 400 plant species). Moreover, migratory birds use this part of the lake for a stop over. The nature station Silberweide offers insight into the different botanical zones that can be found in the Greifensee-Region, dry grasslands, swamps, ponds. There is an adventoure playground for kids. The station can be reached from Riedikon by bus and train.
Ce site regroupe 5 réserves naturelles sur lesquelles 3 animateurs travaillent toute l'année. Ils effectuent de nombreuses visites pour les visiteurs, sensibilisent les enfants des écoles locales ou qui viennent en vacances avec leurs écoles. Quelques journées plus importantes peuvent être référencées, comme la participation active au festival des sciences de Chamonix, la fête du vent à Passy, dans lesquelles une très importante part est réservée à la sensibilisation du public au respect de...
Siti Natura 2000 di Spoleto - Italy - Spoleto
Nei 6 Siti Natura 2000 ricadenti nel territorio comunale di Spoleto sono complessivamente presenti: 12 habitat di interesse comunitario di cui 5 prioritari, dei 36 e 11 rispettivamente segnalati per l'Umbria. 3-6 delle 8 specie di anfibi di rilevante interesse scientifico e conservazionistico dell'Umbria nessuna delle 5 specie di rettili di rilevante interesse scientifico e conservazionistico dell'Umbria. 40 delle 84 specie di uccelli nidificanti di rilevante interesse scientifico e conservazionistico dell'Umbria 10 delle 36 specie di mammiferi di rilevante interesse scientifico e...
Skadarsko Lake - Montenegro - Bar
Lake of Scadar is the largest lake at Balkan Peninsula one of the last fresh water spaces and largest national park in Montenegro and the most famous for its diversity of flora and fauna. Lake itself is unusual for mutual vicinity of different living areas and their chain of feeding. There is a large number of birds’ kinds. It is stated that 270 kinds of birds inhabit this Lake. Around 90% of birds are migratory and are of international importance. During season of migrating, white little egret, white spoonbill and various kinds of ducks pass over this region. Cormorant nest in...
Slowinskie Bloto - Poland - Darlowo
The Slowinskie Bloto refuge is situated in West-Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the area of Darlowo commune. It is listed in European Natura 2000 Network as the Site of Community Importance. This is the only stand of dome-shaped peat preserve in Pomerania. Vast part of the area is overgrown by mixed forests, and near the peatbog there are deciduous mainly beech and beech-oak forests. 
Snežnik - Slovenia - Ilirska Bistrica
Snežnik is an important nature-conservancy area, which sufficed for it to be stipulated as a NATURA 2000 area, particularly owing to its biodiversity, which is among the highest in Slovenia. The Rakov Škocjan valley bears the status of a nature park, whereas the Snežnik Hill has been proclaimed a botanical reserve. Among the area's animal and plant species and habitat types that are either endangered and/or of European concern, let us mention just a few: the Brown Bear, Wolf, Lynx, Mountain Pine, subalpine Beech forest, karst limestone grasslands. All these species and habitat types...
Snowshoe Trail Camana - Switzerland - Safien
An interesting snowshoe tour, along the idyllic Camaner mountain chalets with views of Piz Beverin, Bruschghorn and Glaspass Start / Finish: busstop Camana junction. After about 50 meters follow the path to Camana on the left. Then follow the trail along to Camana. Look out for the markers to the Camaner huts. From hut to hut then descend to Camana. Along the main road to the houses at the "Farm". From the farm down to Safien place. Time needed is about 3 1/2 hours. Note: The snowshoe trail can be combined with the sledge path -Sagi Camana
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