Kulturstandorte Mondoeco

Auf dieser Seite findest Du eine komplette Liste der Kulturstandorte, wie Ökomuseen, Festivals, Kultur im Grünen und Anlässe zum kulturellen Erbe von Regionen, welche auf den Karten von mondoeco zu finden sind.

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Stadt-Ort: Typologie

By now an historical event for the followers of the southern world’s cinema, the only festival entirely dedicated to the knowledge of the cinematography, the realities and cultures of the African, Asian and Latin American countries. More than 50 nations represented, about 80 among films and videos screened. The program of the 22nd African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival counts the usual two competitive sections
Das Afrikanische Filmfestival Lausanne bietet Filme aktueller Afrikanischer Regisseure. Das Filmfestival bietet kulturellen Austausch mit einem Kontinent, Tanzen, Essen und natürlich über die Filme.
Ale Kino - Polen - Posen
The International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino! has been founded for young and very young people who treat the cinema as a journey into the unknown, a challenge and a thrilling adventure. It shows films which avoid cultural and commercial clichés. Each year, there are a number of films for children and young people which, thanks to their sincerity, artistry and original outlook on the world of the young generation, escape excessive didacticism or mindless entertainment. The mission of the Festival is, first of all, enabling young audience to see films like this and...
The museum is located at the ground floor of one of the most valuable architectural monument in town. The museum was founded in 1951, with a mingled profile: History, Ethnography and Natural Sciences, meant to place value to the rich local historic and cultural thesaurus, to ilustrate a generous natural environment that makes out of this region an area of real beauty. The museum hosts a rich archaeologic thesaurus and popular art, objects with great value according to archaeological and ethnographic discoveries from Sucidava and the surroundings, which certify continuity in human living on...
Art Film Festival - Slowakei - Trenčianske Teplice
Every year since 1995, the Art Film Festival has bestowed international cinema figures with the Actor’s Mission Award for their exceptional contribution to the art of film acting.  The prize takes the form of a brass plaque, which the awarded actors personally place on the Bridge of Fame in Trenčianske Teplice. Screenings of fascinating films aren’t the only inseparable part of Art Film Fest. It’s a well-established rule that every festival evening, an appealing musical programme will await visitors, who can look forward to an alluring open-air concert in...
Astra Film Festival - Rumänien - Hermannstadt
AFF is a major event in the European community of documentary film. The Festival is a meeting point for documentary filmmakers from all over the world, promotes the production of quality non-fiction film in Romania and in the region.
Bachritterbrug - Deutschland - Kanzach
Die Bachritterburg Kanzach bietet dem Besucher eine Zeitreise ins frühe 14. Jahrhundet. Der vollständig rekonstruierte Nachbau zeigt die Lebenswelt eines Niederadligen zu Beginn des Spätmittelalters. Lassen Sie Ihre Phantasie spielen und schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines Gastes auf der Bachritterburg.
Balla coi Cinghiali - Italien - Bardineto
The music-cultural association “Balla Coi Cinghiali” was born in Bardineto, in June 2006, thanks to a group of friends who, since then, is involved in the organization of the homonymous festival. The music event, which takes place every year in August, in the borough of Bardineto, is admission-free and aims to give space to both regional and national raising musicians in a frame of nature, art, tourism and local gastronomy.  
Ballenberg - Schweiz - Brienzwiler
Originalgetreu nachgebaute Gutshäuser, typische Haus-und Siedlungsformen aus fast allen Regionen der Schweiz. Traditionelle Arbeiten. Viele Tiere (z.T. typische Rassen), Streichelzoo.
Bauernhausmuseum - Deutschland - Wolfegg
Tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte Oberschwabens und des Westallgäus! Auf den Spuren von Bauern, Mägden, Knechten und Dorfhandwerkern erfahren Sie Wissens- und Staunenswertes über regionaltypische Bauernhäuser und die Menschen, die darin gelebt und gearbeitet haben. Entdecken Sie, wie sich die Lebens- und Arbeitsverhältnisse auf dem Lande über Jahrhunderte wandelten. Lernen Sie technische Errungenschaften kennen, die so manche Erleichterung für die Landbevölkerung brachten. Stoßen Sie auf fesselnde Geschichten und berührende Schicksale....
Bauernmuseum - Frankreich - Viuz-en-Sallaz
500m2 of exhibition objects and 5000 trace 100 years of history (1850-1950). A beautiful testimony of life in the mountains. You enter into the intimacy of daily life and discover: peasant craft, second jobs, migration ...
Bauernmuseum Emile - Frankreich - Simorre
The Lifestyle in Gascony or knowledge of the rural traditions the Farmers' Museum brings interesting informations and is suitable for children and adults. During your visit you will discover the origin of our present and ingenuity of our ancestors.
Bergisches Freilichtmuseum - Deutschland - Lindlar
Genießen Sie Natur und erleben Sie die ländliche Kultur von gestern. Tauchen Sie ein in die Vergangenheit. Hier im Bergischen Freilichtmuseum, vor den Toren Lindlars, im Herzen des Bergischen Landes und etwa 30 Kilometer östlich von Köln, können Sie hautnah miterleben, wie die Menschen auf dem Land lebten. Erforschen Sie die Themenschwerpunkte des Museums: Ökologie, Bäuerliche Arbeit, Handwerk und natürlich be-greifen. Oder Informieren Sie sich über die Wissenschaftliche Arbeit „hinter den Kulissen" des Museums.
Boom - Portugal - Idanha-a-Nova
Today Boom is a global phenomenon. In 2006, participants from 80 different countries made this an intercultural gathering where people met with no prejudice. It started as a music festival and became an intergenerational, interdisciplinary and intercultural gathering. The festival is more than entertainment; it’s an activist statement, linking new models of living based on a connection with nature, arts and culture. Celebrating the ideal of freedom, Boom is pioneering new paths for human beings to develop creatively. Human beings as one and all.  
Brauerei Ökomuseum - Frankreich - Ville-sur-Illon
Water, pure and abundant, the water on the bottom of Vosges sandstone, was decisive for the choice of location and quality of beer produced since 1627 by Claudon Voyriot. Especially in the 19th century breweries multiplied with the Brewers Maudru - Michel - Thouvenot - Le Hôte. In 1877 came the Strasbourg Jacques Lobstein, founder of Great Brewery & Malting Vosges in 1887.
Brillenmuseum - Frankreich - Morez
Located in the Regional Natural Park of Haut Jura, the Museum of the glasses returns to the beginning of the eyewear production, the craftsmanship to industrialization
The Budapest International Wine Festival, which has truly come of age, is one of the most prestigious and popular culture and arts festivals, in which numerous events are joined together by wine – another cultural phenomenon. Every year at this event, tens of thousands of people get to know the art of civilised wine consumption and notable winemakers, as well Hungarian gastronomy and folk music. For 19 years, the aim of the organisers of the festival, Hungarian Viti- and Viniculture Non-profit Ltd (Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Nonprofit Kft.), has been to...
Bushelherstellung Museum - Frankreich - Bois-d'Amont
In the heart of Haut-Jura, near the Swiss border, where spruce is king, the museum pays tribute to the bushel farmers-craftsmen who had the knowledge to make use of the natural resources in their environment
Casa Artusi - Italien - Forlimpopoli
Casa Artusi is the centre of gastronomic culture dedicated to Italian home cooking.  It is located in the block of buildings of the Chiesa dei Servi, in the old town of Forlimpopoli, in the region of Emilia-Romagna. The entire block of houses, which in ancient time was a convent with the adjoining church, has a long history that dates back to the Middle Ages. The buildings that make up this complex are the result of a series of small and significant transformations; over the centuries the buildings have been transformed, first by progressive extensions then by radical work ...
Centro de Leyendas - Spanien - Adahuesca
CENTRO DE INTERPRETACIÓN DE LEYENDAS Y TRADICIONES DEL PARQUE CULTURAL DEL RÍO VERO En las llanuras del Somontano oscense, entre cerros y campos de olivos y viñedos, al pie de las sierras de Guara y Sevil, se sitúa Adahuesca, una localidad que mantiene vivo un importante legado cultural. A los testimonios arquitectónicos de su antiguo esplendor, entre los que destaca la ermita románica de Treviño, se suma un complejo entramado de leyendas y tradiciones que otorgan a este enclave su singularidad. Son leyendas como las de las patronas de la...
Chloris Arte in Fiore - Italien - Taviano
Chloris Arte in Fiore è un evento di promozione territoriale che punta alla valorizzazione, non solo della floricoltura – risorsa tipica della città di Taviano – ma dell’intera area turistica salentina. È l’affascinante percorso tra i vicoli e le vie del centro storico alla scoperta di incantevoli giardini fioriti… È il piacevole itinerario verso l’incanto dell’arte e della musica – classica, jazz, popolare – che anima festosamente le vie antiche… È il ricercato viaggio nell’anima...
CinemAmbiente - Italien - Turin
Festival ha l’obiettivo di presentare i migliori film ambientali e contribuire con un lavoro di ricerca e promozione all’affermazione  e allo sviluppo del cinema a tematica ambientale.
Cous Cous Fest - Italien - San Vito lo Capo
In San Vito Lo Capo, couscous speaks the language of peace, of exchange, of open-mindedness at the table. From near to far, a journey from East to West through the cultures of the participating countries – a "colourful world" where each colour tells a story, reveals a secret and expounds a tradition. Tasting sessions, meetings and discussions, cultural events and talk shows against the backdrop of the beautiful San Vito Lo Capo beach. Breathe the scent of Africa on the shores of its crystal clear waters. And in the evening the festival explodes, with free concerts...
Creusot-Montceau Ecomuseum - Frankreich - Le Creusot
The Creusot-Montceau Ecomuseum first started in 1972 under the name of Musée de l’Homme et de l’Industrie. Like the Landes de Gascogne Museum, it was one of the first of its kind in France to bear the name of Ecomuseum in 1973. The Ecomuseum aims at identifying, studying and valueing the heritage of a region where major industrial activities such as metallurgy, coal mining, glassworks, and ceramics have been predominant since the end of the XVIIIth century. The local population, institutions, research scientists and businesses have helped the Ecomuseum save and promote...
Croissant Neuf - Großbritannien - Usk
Croissant Neuf Summer Party is a multi award winning, independent, family festival. Last year we scooped three top awards for sustainability, more than any other festival in the world, and this year we once again won the Greenest Festival award in the UK at the UK festival awards. With a fantastic line-up and tons of activities for kids and families CNSP is the perfect place to spend a weekend in 2011.
Cronograf Festival - Moldawien - Kischinau
CRONOGRAF Festival is the only documentary film festival and is held once a year in Republic of Moldova in Chisinau beginning since 2001. This event bloomed at the initiative of a group of young enthusiasts, organized by the OWH Studio, who wanted to animate the Moldova’s cultural life and to bring closer to the local public art documentaries from all around the world. From one edition to another, CRONOGRAF increases the quality and number of films entered in competition and attracts more and more national and international partners and broader audience. At the festival, filmmakers...
CYIFF - Zypern - Nikosia
The Cyprus International Film Festival (CYIFF) takes place annually, since 2006, on the beautiful Mediterranean islandof Cyprus. The Cyprus International Film Festival is the biggest of artistic high value cinema event of the whole region, spilling over Cyprus' boundaries and spreading over the whole region with repercussions reaching worldwide. CYIFF promotes both Cypriot film directors and Cypriots artists living abroad through the film category "NostimonImar" and awarded Cypriot Film Directors, as well as the history of Cyprus. The festival and the parallel events create...
Dat ole Hus - Deutschland - Aukrug
Eine der interessantesten touristischen Attraktionen der Gemeinde Aukrug ist sicherlich "Dat ole Hus". Dies ist ein kleines Heimatmuseum, dessen Mittelpunkt eine um 1700 erstmals errichtete und 1804 nach einem Brand neu gebaute strohgedeckte Kate bildet.
Deff - Niederlande - Amsterdam
The Dutch Environmental Film Festival (DEFF) is an annual platform for the best international, environmental films and documentaries. Each year DEFF screens major international and national premieres, hosts inspirational speakers and creative green organisations, and organises memorable festival parties with talent from the European DJ and live music scene.
Diagonale - Österreich - Graz
The Diagonale is the main platform for the presentation and discussion of Austrian film productions. It aims to raise awareness and recognition of Austrian filmmaking. Thus, filmmakers and their work are at the centre of the festival. The Diagonale’s programme selection is characterized by curiosity and its sense of openness, and presents the unique opportunity to see the many faces of Austrian filmmaking, trace current artistic tendencies and (re)discover a number of films.
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